Chocolate PB Eggs

Get ready for the EASIEST homemade Easter treat because, you know, sometimes simplicity is just the best! And let’s be real, Easter without a load of chocolate is not Easter, right?

Chocolate PB Eggs

Chocolate PB Eggs


  • 1/2 cup peanut butter (120g)
  • 1/4 cup maple syrup (75g)
  • 1/4 cup coconut yogurt (50g)
  • 1 cup Macr0Mike peanut butter brittle protein powder (80g) (use code 'amb-mon' for 10% off)
  • 5.3 ounces dark chocolate (150g)


  1. Line a tray with baking paper and set it aside.
  2. In a medium bowl, whisk together peanut butter, syrup, and yogurt until smooth.
  3. Add the protein powder and mix until a soft, thick (and roll-able) mixture forms.
  4. Divide the mixture into 10 balls, then shape them into oval/easter egg-like shapes.
  5. Melt the chocolate and coat each egg with it.
  6. Place the eggs onto the tray and pop them into the fridge for 15 minutes to set. Then, it's time to indulge! 🐰🍫

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